Custom Handmade Slime In Adelaide


Who would not want their very own custom-made slush with all those amazing features? It's made from love, passion & care so you can come back time after time without thinking twice before ordering again. Stop dreaming about the perfect slime and get one right here! With Aussie Slimes Co., it is possible

The slime idea is really cool and it's made up of various household items that combine together to form a polymer substance, which can act both as solid or liquid depending on how you interact with them! The best part about this type of fluid though is all the fun properties they have like making things stretchy or elastic.

  • The reasons why people love playing with slime are as diverse and creative as the forms it takes. Some just enjoy watching an object change from one state to another, without ever truly understanding how or why!

  • When you want to relieve stress, there's nothing better than just squishing it between your fingers. Some people enjoy this because they find sticky and stretching motions soothing while others like how it makes them feel more connected with their surroundings or themselves at ease in general; whatever works for each individual!


There's a slime for everyone! Find an exciting range of products at Aussie Slime Co!

We Offer A Wide Range Of Products At Our Slime Shops In Adelaide

With so many distractions available, such as television and video games, kids need something that will draw their attention away from electronics To make these moments count for more than just time spent plugged in or on-screen: the immersive sensory experience of slime encourages them to be present at the moment!

It's no secret that young toddlers have a tough time focusing. But playing with slime compels them to pay attention, which is important for the skills they'll need as adults! They cannot be sidetracked because these require close detail and focus in order to be curious about chemistry or math study later on down the line.

  • Magnetic slime is an interactive way for kids to get their hands on some creative, fun play! It's the perfect type of independent activity that will keep them interested and help boost self-confidence.

  • The bright colors and fun textures make the slime a great sensory toy for developing fine motor skills. The flexible nature of this game means it's easy to use in different ways, allowing kids who want stronger hands or eyes specific exercises with what they already know!

  • What better way to help your child relax than with something they can hold and play with? In this case, the slime provides an excellent outlet for young people who suffer from anxiety or are frequently apprehensive in social circumstances.

    The soothing feeling of slimy hands reduces stress by releasing tension!

Aussie Slimes Co, One Of The Leading Online Slime Shop Adelaide!

Have you always wanted to make your own custom slime? Aussie Slime Co’ is the best place to buy slime Melbourne. We've got a variety of options, plus we can customize every detail - colours and all!.Our range of slimes constitute

  • Jelly slime

  • Butter slime - glitter bubblegum

  • Floam Slime Glitter Trio

  • Valentine’s day slime

  • Different flavours of milkshake slimes

  • Slime gift boxes 

  • Lychee crush slimes

And what not!

Here at Aussie Slime Co., Adelaide slime shops we have a variety of different slimes to suit your needs! From the most vibrant and fun colours you'll find anywhere in other Adelaide slime shops, right down to our exclusive designs that are only available from us. So come on over today if slimes interest you because they're sure not going away anytime soon with all these new options.

Answers to Frequently 

asked questions

Still have questions? Email us at

How to remove slime from my hair and clothes?

For hair: Wash your hair with warm water, conditioner first and shampoo second. Use gentle strokes of the comb from the scalp to the tip to remove slime.

For clothes: Pour enough white vinegar on the spot to make it damp. Then, quickly use fingers or a spare toothbrush in gentle circular motions to rinse out the slime.

How to know that it’s time to replace my slime?

  • Slimes are easy, but they do need care. The hints are -
  • If your slime becomes loose and loses its thickness.
  • If slime becomes watery and flowy.
  • It has developed a different structure than you are used to playing with.

Is slime toxic?

Even though we offer the highest standards in our products, it is advised for children to play with slime under adult supervision. Never eat the slime, and if the situation arises, seek medical attention ASAP. 

Why did my slime shrink?

Firstly, always play with slime after washing your hands. This practice reduces the contact of dust with slime. Dust and other contaminated elements can shrink or disrupt the slime. To prolong the life of slime, always put it back inside the container once you are done playing with it. If it is out for too long, it will go dry. 

My Slime Arrived Sticky, What should I do?

It's nothing to worry about, all our slimes come with a sachet of Borax & a care sheet with instructions on how to fix sticky slime. P.S Do not over activate the slime.